© 2021 Stickr. All rights reserved.

The decal you receive is made of the highest quality perforated vinyl which means it's completely see-thru from the inside of your car, simple to apply and  to remove. Switching between campaigns should you so desire will be a breeze. 

Stickr uses only the best perforated vinyl material. 


Nope. We partner with real brands and pay you to advertise on your car. Think of it like turning your car into a "mini billboard" and someone else is paying you rent. 

Is this BS?

The stickr is see-thru from the inside so you can still see clearly through your back window. It's easy to apply, leaves no sticky residue and takes just a couple minutes. 

How do I see?

Yep. You pay $19 one time which acts as a deposit for your decal. Every month you submit a photo of your decal you receive your gift card compensation. 


I love this program. It's residual income each month. Can't beat that!

Great service and simple to start. I recommend Stickr to anyone. It's an awesome way to make some extra cash. 


No monthly fee's, no waitlist, no app downloads, no mileage tracking and no downtime waiting for a car wrap install on your entire vehicle. Pay $19 one time for your decal and come out on top each month getting paid to do what you're already doing.  

How you earn for promoting local businesses

Earn Gift Cards

Advertise for businesses or organizations looking to increase their exposure and earn at least a $100 gift card to restaurants in your area every month.

Available in all 50 states. No need to change your driving route. No vehicle/mile restrictions.

Your see-thru decal is made from high end perforated vinyl material. It's the same stuff on city bus windows. 

Available Everywhere

See-thru Decal

Earn upwards of $2,400 in gift card compensation annually.

Stick it on. Drive. Get Paid.

Brands/AgenciesManage AccountVerify Decal Installation


Donate Here: Breast Cancer Awareness
Get your own Social Cause Decal

Important - CASH payments are no longer offered for driving. Gift card compensation is the only method or payment. New campaigns as of July 1, 2024 are also not revenue sharing between other drivers. When you choose a campaign your monthly compensation will be visible on that page. This video is only a brief overview of the basics; don't rely on it as a full explanation. Read all terms and conditions carefully before deciding to participate as a driver. 

Become A DriverBecome A Driver

Contact Us::



Become A Driver   |   Brands/Agencies   |   Manage Account

Stickr LLC

3753 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 200

Las Vegas, NV USA

